Thursday, September 2, 2010

The downside of OIM resource object proliferation

The basic function of a resource object in OIM is to represent access for a specific user to a specific system. In many OIM architectures you chose to leverage the resource object to represent all kinds of entities in order to make the entity requestable in the request interface or attestable in the attestation framework.

Examples of entities that can be modelled as resource objects are:

One problem you will get if you have a lot of "transaction oriented resource objects" is that the user resource view can get drowned in objects so that it is hard for the OIM administrators to find the resource object instances that they really are interested in. Lets say that you have a user that has worked for the company for five years and have twenty AD group membership adds, five removals and ten resource object instances that represents user data updates. This user will have thirtyfive extra resource object instances in his resource object instance view.

You can of course argue that the state changes and group memberships should be properly recorded in the user's resource object instance view (it is not a bug, it is a feature!). If your customer insists that it will look ugly and limit administrator productivity you can simply change the design to have the resource object being raised against a dummy organisation or user. Simply add the real target user login to the object and process form and problem is solved.

Well, of course excluding training the end users about the fact that they need to pick "AD group user" instead of "John Smith" as the user when they want to request an AD group membership for John Smith. Depending on how big your user population with request generation privileges this may or may not be a problem.

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