Sunday, June 26, 2011

JIT provisioning - the compliance view

JIT provisioning gives you significant advantages in operational agility as the cost of integrating provisioning to an application, measured in time and effort, becomes a lot smaller than with the conventional provisioning approach. As always there is of course downsides with JIT provisioning so lets talk about the issues and how to mitigate them.

The reason why provisioning systems exists are basically to make onboarding, offboarding and maintenance of the access profile of the corporate user more efficient. The efficiency gain comes partly from automating the actual provisioning and deprovisioning operations and partly from automating compliance activities (who has access to what). It is clear that JIT addresses basic operations in an efficient manner but what about compliance?

Conventional provisioning systems offers the ability to see what a user has access to and also why the user access to these resources. The answer to the why question may be that "because the user in an employee the provisioning policy dictates that resource X should be granted" or "the users manager raised a request for resource Y and the resource owner granted it". Some provisioning systems also supports access recertification ("on May 15 2011 the users manager thought that the user should have access to resource Y"). The access information is often exposed through reporting functions and/or a pretty web interface so auditors can get the information they need without having to understand the inner workings of the provisioning system.

In the JIT world things get a bit more complex. In essence the authorization is based on what the guy on the other end is claiming to be true. In it's simplest form anyone who comes over from the partner application would have full access to your application. In a more complex situation you may have the partner sending you either raw user information attributes (user y is in cost center x) or some form of role attributes (user y has the role of broker level two). The application then makes an authorization decision based in this information. This two tiered authorization model makes the auditors life substantially harder but there are ways to increase transparency (i.e. use XACML instead of embedding the authorization decision in code).

Even with transparency measures in place a nswering the questions "who has access to resource X" and "what resource does user Y have access to" becomes really tricky in a JIT world. If you also need to answer the why questions you are in real trouble. It is going to be really interesting to see what vendor in the access governance space will be first with addressing this need.

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